Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated every year on 28 May. This year's theme is "Menstruation matters to everyone, everywhere".
On Menstrual Hygiene Day, we break the silence and build awareness about the fundamental role that good menstrual hygiene management plays in enabling women and girls to reach their full potential. Menstrual Hygiene Day is a global platform for everyone, everywhere to engage in action and advocacy to break taboos and negative attitudes around menstruation.
In an ideal world, everyone who menstruates should be knowledgeable about their menstrual cycle and have access to proper sanitary products and facilities to manage their menstruation, without being shamed or outcast for it.
However, the harsh reality is that many women and girls around the world, especially in developing countries, do not have access to clean private toilets, information on menstrual hygiene, and sanitary products. If you think that managing our periods is a hassle, it's definitely worse for them. :(
How can you help? Break the silence; talk about it! Menstruation should not be a taboo, #MenstruationMatters to everyone.